Making Pellet and Briquette Machine for Sale

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making pellets and briquette machine

Hot sell biomass extruder machine which can make both pellets and briquettes >>


pellets and briquettes

Mobile Pelleting Plant for Sale

mobile pelleting plant

small pelleting plant

Customer Inquiries

I am interested in both a mobile pellet plant and a stationary small diesel plant. We have abundance of rice husk and other biomass waste products which I'd like to convert to pellets  and/or briquettes.
Thank you for a quick response

---- Inquire from Surinam

I am interest in this small pelleting plant. I would like to have more information about it as prices and where the factori is located. I am from Ecuador and I need yo know the shipping expenses.
Thank you very much for your soon answer.

---- Inquire from Ecuador

We have a lot of wood waste here in Belize and  have been wishing to convert it to fuel. Would be interested in your pellet machines and the use  for the pellets. We were looking primarily at cooking (barbecue type).

----  Inquire from Belize

Tenemos una fabrica dedicada a la producción de sillas, mesas y taburetes de madera. Estamos estudiando instalar una maquína de producción de pellets debajo de nuestro silo de viruta y polvo.  Nos gustaría que nos facilitaran información y precios de los productos que ustedes fabrican.

---- Inquire from Spain

Hi there, I am very interested in your products, could i please have a price and specification list for each of your pellet mills.

---- Inquire from England
